Ukr.Biochem.J. 2015; Volume 87, #2, March-April

Fatty acid composition of phospholipids and esterified cholesterol of the blood plasma of rabbit under arginine acute pancreatitis

O. O. Hopanenko, J. F. Rivis

Institute for Agriculture Region of Carpathian, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lviv;

The content and fatty acid composition of phospholipids and esterified cholesterol were studied in the blood plasma of rabbits under acute arginine pancreatitis and its correction using linseed oil. It is established that the transport and anti-inflammatory functions of blood plasma deteriorates under acute arginine pancreatitis due to a decrease of the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in phospholi­pids. The amount of cholesterol esterified with saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids increases in the blood plasma of rabbits. The concentration of phospholipids­ and esterified cholesterol is normali­zed and their fatty acid composition is improved in the lipid composition of the blood plasma of rabbits with acute arginine pancreatitis fed with linseed oil.

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